In welcher Phase des Patentverfahrens Sie auch stehen, unsere erfahrenen Juristen und Anwälte können Sie kompetent durch diesen komplexen technischen Prozess führen.

Als unser Mandant werden Sie von der laufenden Zusammenarbeit mit Fachjuristen und Anwälten profitieren, die entweder in der Industrie oder in Rechtsabteilungen von Unternehmen gearbeitet haben und daher die Dinge aus einer eindeutig wirtschaftlichen Perspektive sehen. Als eine der führenden Patent-Praxen Europas hören wir immer wieder von unseren Mandanten, wie sehr sie die umfassende Erfahrung zu schätzen wissen, die ihnen unsere Juristen und Anwälte in allen technischen Disziplinen bieten können, so u. a. in den Bereichen Biotechnologie, Chemie, Pharmazeutik, Elektronik, Ingenieurwesen und IT.

Unsere Juristen verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung bei der Ausarbeitung und Verfolgung internationaler Patentportfolios bis zum Patentschutz in weltweiten Rechtsordnungen. Sowohl für Patentinhaber als auch für Einsprechende handhaben wir regelmäßig streitige Angelegenheiten von großer Bedeutung und hohem Wert, und unsere Patent-Praxis besitzt eine beneidenswerte Erfolgsbilanz mit Einsprüchen beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) und Berufungsverfahren vor der Technischen Beschwerdekammer. Unsere Juristen sind aktiv an der Steuerung von Rechtsvorschriften und Richtlinien beteiligt – im Vereinigten Königreich, in Deutschland und beim EPA, in dem unsere Partner in verschiedenen einflussreichen Gremien sitzen.

D Young & Co hat eines der größten und angesehensten Patent-Teams in Europa, das Ihnen ein Komplettangebot von Patent-Dienstleistungen bieten kann, so u. a.:

  • Ausarbeitung von europäischen, britischen, deutschen und internationalen Patentanmeldungen
  • Einreichung und Verfolgung von Patentanmeldungen direkt beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA), britischen Amt für Geistiges Eigentum (UK Intellectual Property Office), Deutschen Patent und Markenamt (DPMA) und Internationalen Büro der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum (WIPO)
  • Die weltweite Verfolgung wird von unserem Netz von zuverlässigen Auslandsvertretern gehandhabt
  • Vertretung von Mandanten auf allen Ebenen des EPA, einschließlich Einsprüchen und Beschwerden
  • Erstellung von Verletzungsgutachten (zur Handlungsfreiheit) und Validitätsgutachten zu Patenten Dritter
  • Koordinierung und strategische Beratung in Bezug auf europaweite Patentstreitigkeiten
  • Einreichung von und Verteidigung gegen Patentnichtigkeitsklagen
  • Einreichung von und Verteidigung gegen Patentverletzungsklagen, ggf. in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Patentprozessbevollmächtigten
  • Portfolioprüfung und strategische Beratung
  • Arbeiten zur Sorgfaltspflicht (Due Diligence) für Finanzierungen, Börsengänge, Unternehmens- oder Projektakquisitionen
  • Von Juristen gesteuerte und von spezialisierten Patent-Rechercheuren durchgeführte Recherchen
  • Zahlung von Patentverlängerungsgebühren (Jahresgebühren)
  • Ausarbeitung von und Beratung zu Vereinbarungen über geistiges Eigentum, Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen, F&E-Vereinbarungen, Lizenzen und Übertragungen
  • Verwertung von IP-Rechten zur Erhöhung von Umsatzchancen
  • Ergänzende Schutzzertifikate (ESZ) / Verlängerungen der Patentlaufzeit

Einheitliches Patentgericht

Wir begrüßen die Eröffnung des Einheitliche Patentgerichts (EPG) und sind an dessen Entwicklung stark beteiligt gewesen, sodass wir mit seinem Rahmen, seinen Verfahren und rechtlichen Regelungen eng vertraut sind. D Young & Co bietet eine gute Vertretungsauswahl und -verfügbarkeit in allen Kammern des EPG; und unsere Patentvertreter und -anwälte sind bestens aufgestellt, um Mandanten in diesem neuen europäischen Forum für Patentstreitigkeiten zu unterstützen. Unsere Juristen und Anwälte verfügen über einen riesigen Erfahrungsschatz mit streitiger Patentarbeit vor europäischen Gerichten und beim EPA und arbeiten stets gemeinsam daran, einen nahtlosen Service zur Beilegung von Patentstreitigkeiten bereitzustellen.

Mehr lesen
Patent-Buch EPO Board of Appeal Decisions
Patent-Buch EPO Board of Appeal Decisions
Patent-Newsletter Neueste Ausgabe
Patent-Newsletter Neueste Ausgabe
Highly regarded for its work on a wide range of patent matters. Its attorneys act across all types of technology, from life sciences to electrical engineering.
A deep knowledge and understanding of the science behind patented inventions.
Its critical evaluation of patentability is faultless and its advice on patent strategy and prosecution shows a profound level of understanding of the technology involved.
IAM Patent 1000
Its overall level of service never falls below excellent. It delivers quality patents for a reasonable price and is exceptionally responsive.
IAM Patent 1000
D Young & Co is at the vanguard of the attorney market, borne out by both its superb life sciences practice and its response to changes in legislation allowing lawyers and non-lawyers to enter into partnerships together.
IAM Patent 1000
Talented patent attorneys with scientific backgrounds in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, electronics and engineering.
An impressive patent practice.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
[D Young & Co's] patent prosecution practice remains the jewel in D Young's crown.
IAM Patent 1000
Recommended for contentious proceedings, and also has patent litigation solicitors in-house.
The thriving patent practice at D Young & Co is home to more than 40 attorneys and solicitors, all of whom specialise in a technological or scientific discipline.
IAM Patent 1000
A strong patent drafting and portfolio management practice, often chosen by major international clients as well as prestigious universities and research institutes.
Legal 500
The patent team at D Young & Co LLP is consistently excellent and is very customer focused.
Legal 500
The firm's expertise in electronics and software, biotechnology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals is particularly well regarded.
Its business acumen and industry knowledge of the patent attorney landscape is very impressive.
Legal 500
Its substantial roster of attorneys enables it to cover nearly every specialism and need, including litigation.
It has the perfect balance between an understanding of the law, complex scientific issues and the budget constraints of a business.
IAM Patent 1000
D Young & Co’s outstanding patent department consists of two teams, both of which handle contentious and non-contentious matters for domestic and international clients.
Legal 500
Opposition work before the EPO is a mainstay.
IAM Patent 1000
The group impresses with its powerful UK and European opposition and appeal practice and complementary litigation offering.
The team are both approachable and knowledgeable, and skilled at turning our sometimes nebulous ideas into tangible intellectual property. They can be relied on to complete work to sometimes tight deadlines, and are creative at approaching sometimes difficult areas.
Legal 500
Its squad of technically astute professionals makes light work of all prosecution matters.
IAM Patent 1000
The practitioners demonstrate a high level of scientific expertise and are quick to understand the key features of an invention.
IAM Patent 1000
The firm provides excellent patent prosecution services at a reasonable cost.
IP Stars (Managing IP)

Unser Team


Anthony Albutt
Anthony Albutt
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Anthony Albutt's profile
David Alcock
David Alcock
Partner, Patent Attorney
View David Alcock's profile
Anton Baker
Anton Baker
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Anton Baker's profile
Rachel Bateman
Rachel Bateman
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Rachel Bateman's profile
Robbie Berryman
Robbie Berryman
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Robbie Berryman's profile
Alan Boyd
Alan Boyd
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Alan Boyd's profile
William Burrell
William Burrell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View William Burrell's profile
Matthew Caines
Matthew Caines
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Matthew Caines's profile
Zöe Clyde-Watson
Zöe Clyde-Watson
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Zöe Clyde-Watson's profile
Andrew Cockerell
Andrew Cockerell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Andrew Cockerell's profile
James Cornford
James Cornford
Partner, Patent Attorney
View James Cornford's profile
Jonathan DeVile
Jonathan DeVile
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jonathan DeVile's profile
Doug Ealey
Doug Ealey
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Doug Ealey's profile
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Hanns-Juergen Grosse's profile
Charles Harding
Charles Harding
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Charles Harding's profile
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jonathan Jackson's profile
Catherine Keetch
Catherine Keetch
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Catherine Keetch's profile
Lawrence King
Lawrence King
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Lawrence King's profile
Antony Latham
Antony Latham
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Antony Latham's profile
Darren Lewis
Darren Lewis
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Darren Lewis's profile
Nicholas Malden
Nicholas Malden
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Nicholas Malden's profile
Connor McConchie
Connor McConchie
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Connor McConchie's profile
Cathrine McGowan
Cathrine McGowan
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Cathrine McGowan's profile
Tamara Milton
Tamara Milton
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Tamara Milton's profile
Neil Nachshen
Neil Nachshen
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Neil Nachshen's profile
Simon O'Brien
Simon O'Brien
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Simon O'Brien's profile
Jennifer O'Farrell
Jennifer O'Farrell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jennifer O'Farrell's profile
Tom Pagdin
Tom Pagdin
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Tom Pagdin's profile
Anna Reid
Anna Reid
Partner, Solicitor
View Anna Reid's profile
Sophie Slater
Sophie Slater
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Sophie Slater's profile
Yvonne Stone
Yvonne Stone
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Yvonne Stone's profile
Kit Wong
Kit Wong
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Kit Wong's profile

Senior Associates

David Al-Khalili
David Al-Khalili
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View David Al-Khalili's profile
Martin Bicker
Martin Bicker
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Martin Bicker's profile
Emma Hamilton
Emma Hamilton
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Emma Hamilton's profile
Laura Jennings
Laura Jennings
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Laura Jennings's profile
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Robert Kelly's profile
Ryan Lacey
Ryan Lacey
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Ryan Lacey's profile
Arun Roy
Arun Roy
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Arun Roy's profile
Gemma Sparrow
Gemma Sparrow
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Gemma Sparrow's profile
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Alice Stuart-Grumbar's profile


Khalil Davis
Khalil Davis
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Khalil Davis's profile
Joseph Flood
Joseph Flood
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Joseph Flood's profile
Tara Fitz Gerald
Tara Fitz Gerald
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Tara Fitz Gerald's profile
Ben Hunter
Ben Hunter
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Ben Hunter's profile
Samuel Keyes
Samuel Keyes
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Samuel Keyes's profile
Nigel Lee
Nigel Lee
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Nigel Lee's profile
Rebecca Price
Rebecca Price
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Rebecca Price's profile
Simon Schofield
Simon Schofield
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Simon Schofield's profile
Samuel Smith
Samuel Smith
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Samuel Smith's profile
Mathias Smolarski
Mathias Smolarski
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Mathias Smolarski's profile
Nathaniel Wand
Nathaniel Wand
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Nathaniel Wand's profile
Toby Willis
Toby Willis
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Toby Willis's profile
Stephanie Wroe
Stephanie Wroe
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Stephanie Wroe's profile

Attorneys, Rechtsanwälte & Solicitors

Oliver Cartwright
Oliver Cartwright
Patent Attorney
View Oliver Cartwright's profile
Keith Daly
Keith Daly
Patent Attorney
View Keith Daly's profile
Matthew Gallon
Matthew Gallon
Patent Attorney
View Matthew Gallon's profile
Leon Harrington
Leon Harrington
Patent Attorney
View Leon Harrington's profile
Sean McCann
Sean McCann
Patent Attorney
View Sean McCann's profile
Szymon Pancewicz
Szymon Pancewicz
Patent Attorney
View Szymon Pancewicz's profile
Gemma Seabright
Gemma Seabright
Patent Attorney
View Gemma Seabright's profile
William Smith
William Smith
Patent Attorney
View William Smith's profile
Harry Ventress
Harry Ventress
Patent Attorney
View Harry Ventress's profile
Joshua Wallington
Joshua Wallington
Patent Attorney
View Joshua Wallington's profile


Daisy Bethell
Daisy Bethell
Technical Assistant
View Daisy Bethell's profile
John Cameron
John Cameron
Technical Assistant
View John Cameron's profile
Henry Davies
Henry Davies
Technical Assistant
View Henry Davies's profile
Eleanor Downing
Eleanor Downing
Technical Assistant
View Eleanor Downing's profile
Molly Guy-Hickson
Molly Guy-Hickson
Technical Assistant
View Molly Guy-Hickson's profile
Alice Holden
Alice Holden
Technical assistant
View Alice Holden's profile
William Hutton
William Hutton
Technical Assistant
View William Hutton's profile
Sophia Karim
Sophia Karim
Legal Assistant
View Sophia Karim's profile
Jake Leggat
Jake Leggat
Technical Assistant
View Jake Leggat's profile
James Manktelow
James Manktelow
Technical Assistant
View James Manktelow's profile
Rhys Pryce
Rhys Pryce
Technical Assistant
View Rhys Pryce's profile
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds
Technical Assistant
View Michael Reynolds's profile
Miranda Simmons
Miranda Simmons
Technical Assistant
View Miranda Simmons's profile
Stephen Solomon
Stephen Solomon
Technical Assistant
View Stephen Solomon's profile
Petr Ufimkin
Petr Ufimkin
Technical Assistant
View Petr Ufimkin's profile
Chris Weekes
Chris Weekes
Technical Assistant
View Chris Weekes's profile


David Horner
David Horner
Consultant, Patent Attorney
View David Horner's profile
Ian Starr
Ian Starr
Consultant, Solicitor
View Ian Starr's profile
James Turner
James Turner
Consultant, Patent Attorney
View James Turner's profile
Richard Willoughby
Richard Willoughby
Consultant, Solicitor
View Richard Willoughby's profile

IP Support

Hazel Barton
Hazel Barton
Information Specialist
View Hazel Barton's profile
Victoria Chandler
Victoria Chandler
Head of IP Support Services
View Victoria Chandler's profile