Unser Mandantenkreis ist vielfältig und international und umfasst akademische Einrichtungen, Blue-Chip-Unternehmen, globale Organisationen und KMU aller Industrie- und Technologiesektoren.

Unser Ansatz besteht darin, eng zusammenzuarbeiten, unsere Verfahren anzupassen und zu individualisieren und innovative IP-Managementstrategien umzusetzen, die den Wert des geistigen Eigentums unserer Mandanten weiter steigern.

Unser detailliertes Verständnis der Bedürfnisse unserer Mandanten beruht auf persönlichem Kontakt, Teamarbeit und geschäftlicher Erfahrung. Viele von uns haben praktische Erfahrungen gesammelt in den Rechtsabteilungen namhafter Unternehmen und in akademischen Einrichtungen – entweder vor dem Eintritt in unsere Kanzlei oder im Rahmen von Secondments bei wichtigen Mandanten. Wir beraten Personen aus allen Lebensbereichen und aus allen Geschäftsbereichen unserer Mandanten, darunter Wissenschaftler, Projektmanager, kaufmännische Mitarbeiter, Vorstandsmitglieder und potentielle Investoren.

Die lange Dauer unserer Beziehungen ist ein Beweis für den Erfolg dieses Ansatzes. So sind beispielsweise 10 % unserer wichtigsten 100 Mandanten bereits seit über 20 Jahren bei uns. In den letzten Jahren hatten wir das Vergnügen, das 20., 30. bzw. 40. Jubiläum von Mandantenbeziehungen zu feiern.

They provide an excellent service - quick response times and good advice.
D Young & Co LLP advises a range of clients, including rock and pop groups, media organisations, and the fashion and food and beverage industries.
Legal 500
The entire team is keen to make sure they understand what we want, from fee earners to business support assistants.
The gold standard for foreign local trade mark counsel. The firm consistently provides superior and efficient business-friendly advice.
Legal 500
A firm enthusiastically recommended by its clients.
IAM Patent 1000
Responsive, clear, concise and pertinent advice.
Legal 500
It has the perfect balance between an understanding of the law, complex scientific issues and the budget constraints of a business.
IAM Patent 1000
They are very responsive and efficient and understand clients’ needs well. They give us access to efficient collaborative tools which make it easier to handle international cases.
Legal 500
A strong patent drafting and portfolio management practice, often chosen by major international clients as well as prestigious universities and research institutes.
Legal 500
D Young & Co succeeds in delivering high-quality, cost-effective prosecution and litigation, while maintaining an attentive and responsive client service.
World Trademark Review 1000
D Young & Co's overall level of service is excellent.  It delivers high quality work at a reasonable price, and is very responsive to its clients' needs.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
It is a very reliable resource, with great strength in depth on both prosecution and litigation, and the level of its service is simply excellent.
World Trademark Review 1000
D Young & Co is very client-attentive and does exactly what it promises, which saves much of our time and effort to communicate.
Legal 500
Attracting substantial praise from clients.
Legal 500
The group counts a number of large corporates among its client roster and is also 'a perfect partner for cost-conscious mid-sized TMT companies'.
Legal 500
The most professional team I have ever worked with. Excellent advice delivered in a laid back way that enables us as clients to participate in the most productive way.
Legal 500