Bei der Unterstützung Ihrer hausinternen Rechtsabteilung streben wir stets an, ein genaues Verständnis für Ihre Geschäfte, Technologien, kommerziellen Ziele und Unternehmensethik zu gewinnen.

Die Wirkung dieses Ansatzes zeigt sich nicht zuletzt in der Beständigkeit unserer Mandantenbeziehungen, die oft lange Jahre zurückreichen. Ihr Erfolg ist unser Erfolg.

Wir verstehen, dass Kontrolle, Flexibilität und regelmäßiger Kontakt entscheidend für gute Arbeitsbeziehungen sind. Viele aus unserem Team haben früher in der Industrie oder in Rechtsabteilungen von Unternehmen gearbeitet, und für bestimmte Zeitabschnitte oder bestimmte Projekte entsenden wir oft Mitarbeiter an Unternehmen, um eine voll integrierte Rechtsberatung zu gewährleisten.


Es ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Leistungsangebots, unsere Mandanten über neue Rechtsvorschriften, relevantes Fallrecht, Markttrends und andere aktuelle Angelegenheiten ihres jeweiligen Industriesektors auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Hierzu benutzen wir allerlei verschiedene Methoden, u. a. regelmäßige IP-Newsletters, Webinare, Veröffentlichungen (z. B. unsere Bücher über Entscheidungen der EPA-Beschwerdekammer, das Europäische Designrecht und Entscheidungen im europäischen Markenrecht) und unsere Online-Wissensbank von IP-Fällen und -Artikeln.

Für unsere Mandanten veranstalten wir regelmäßig Seminare und Workshops zu einem breiten Spektrum von IP-Themen und sind in der Lage, alle Schulungs- und Seminarprogramme auf Fragen zuzuschneiden, die von Relevanz oder Interesse für Mandanten und hausinterne Juristenteams sind, egal ob es um komplexe Rechtsfragen oder praktischere Aspekte des IP-Portfoliomanagements geht.

Wir sind zudem in der Lage, Verfahren und Elemente des IP-Managements zu verbessern, indem wir unsere externe Perspektive und hausinterne Erfahrung dazu nutzen, uns Ihre bestehenden Systeme und Strukturen aus ganzheitlicherer Sicht anzusehen und Vorschläge zur Effizienzsteigerung zu machen.

Clients can one-stop shop here with supreme confidence.
World Trademark Review 1000
Nothing seems to be too much of a problem. I don't know how they do it but whenever there is an urgent issue they drop everything and make sure we get what we need.
Joined-up thinking on every question.
World Trademark Review 1000
Their way of working takes away workload from our team's end and they truly function as an addition to our team.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
The quality of their work is stellar. The partners and associates take the time to be thorough without overcharging for time.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
Bold advocacy in support of our company's interests, with a finely honed sense of what is achievable in the real world.
World Trademark Review 1000
A very supportive back office, which deals with invoicing and renewals in a very professional way.
IAM Patent 1000
Their level of service is a rarity compared to many other IP firms.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
They demonstrate an impressive understanding of the psychological factors that come into play when communicating with authorities.
IAM Patent 1000
The practitioners demonstrate a high level of scientific expertise and are quick to understand the key features of an invention.
IAM Patent 1000
D Young & Co is just the most amazing IP company – you can leave it all in its hands and you never have to chase a thing.
World Trademark Review 1000

Unser Team


Anton Baker
Anton Baker
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Anton Baker's profile
Robbie Berryman
Robbie Berryman
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Robbie Berryman's profile
Jana Bogatz
Jana Bogatz
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Jana Bogatz's profile
Alan Boyd
Alan Boyd
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Alan Boyd's profile
William Burrell
William Burrell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View William Burrell's profile
Andrew Cockerell
Andrew Cockerell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Andrew Cockerell's profile
James Cornford
James Cornford
Partner, Patent Attorney
View James Cornford's profile
Matthew Dick
Matthew Dick
Partner, Solicitor
View Matthew Dick's profile
Doug Ealey
Doug Ealey
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Doug Ealey's profile
Gabriele Engels
Gabriele Engels
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Gabriele Engels's profile
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jonathan Jackson's profile
Lawrence King
Lawrence King
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Lawrence King's profile
Cathrine McGowan
Cathrine McGowan
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Cathrine McGowan's profile
Jennifer O'Farrell
Jennifer O'Farrell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jennifer O'Farrell's profile

Senior Associates

David Al-Khalili
David Al-Khalili
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View David Al-Khalili's profile
Sarah Brooks
Sarah Brooks
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Sarah Brooks's profile
Peter Byrd
Peter Byrd
Senior Associate, Solicitor
View Peter Byrd's profile
Kate Cheney
Kate Cheney
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Kate Cheney's profile
Laura Jennings
Laura Jennings
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Laura Jennings's profile
Olivia Oxton
Olivia Oxton
Senior Associate, Solicitor
View Olivia Oxton's profile
Arun Roy
Arun Roy
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Arun Roy's profile


Tara Fitz Gerald
Tara Fitz Gerald
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Tara Fitz Gerald's profile
Ben Hunter
Ben Hunter
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Ben Hunter's profile
Nigel Lee
Nigel Lee
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Nigel Lee's profile
Phil Leonard
Phil Leonard
Associate, Solicitor
View Phil Leonard's profile
Rachel Pellatt
Rachel Pellatt
Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Rachel Pellatt's profile
Mathias Smolarski
Mathias Smolarski
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Mathias Smolarski's profile
Toby Willis
Toby Willis
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Toby Willis's profile

Attorneys, Rechtsanwälte & Solicitors

Jacqueline Feigl
Jacqueline Feigl
View Jacqueline Feigl's profile
Leon Harrington
Leon Harrington
Patent Attorney
View Leon Harrington's profile
Sean McCann
Sean McCann
Patent Attorney
View Sean McCann's profile
William Smith
William Smith
Patent Attorney
View William Smith's profile
Agnieszka Stephenson
Agnieszka Stephenson
View Agnieszka Stephenson's profile


Daisy Bethell
Daisy Bethell
Technical Assistant
View Daisy Bethell's profile
Laurie Ford
Laurie Ford
Legal Manager
View Laurie Ford's profile
Molly Guy-Hickson
Molly Guy-Hickson
Technical Assistant
View Molly Guy-Hickson's profile
Alice Holden
Alice Holden
Technical assistant
View Alice Holden's profile
William Hutton
William Hutton
Technical Assistant
View William Hutton's profile
Sophia Karim
Sophia Karim
Legal Assistant
View Sophia Karim's profile
James Manktelow
James Manktelow
Technical Assistant
View James Manktelow's profile
Sophie Rann
Sophie Rann
Trade Mark Assistant
View Sophie Rann's profile
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds
Technical Assistant
View Michael Reynolds's profile
Stephen Solomon
Stephen Solomon
Technical Assistant
View Stephen Solomon's profile
Chris Weekes
Chris Weekes
Technical Assistant
View Chris Weekes's profile


David Horner
David Horner
Consultant, Patent Attorney
View David Horner's profile

IP Support

Mel Gregg
Mel Gregg
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Mel Gregg's profile
Stefanie Koroll
Stefanie Koroll
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Stefanie Koroll's profile
Nadia Matos-Moss
Nadia Matos-Moss
Trade Mark and Design Administrator
View Nadia Matos-Moss's profile