Angesichts der konstanten Entwicklung der Hightech-Branchen und des harten Konkurrenzkampfs im weltweiten Markt wird es immer wichtiger, die IP-Rechte Ihres Unternehmens zu schützen und durchzusetzen.

Wir führen ein talentiertes, hochspezialisiertes Team für Elektronik, Ingenieurwesen & IT. Unsere Juristen und Anwälte besitzen individuelle, meist mit einer Promotion nachgewiesene Fachkenntnisse in Bereichen wie Gas, Elektronik, Ingenieurwesen, Software, Automobile, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Antriebssysteme, saubere Technologie, Informatik, Physik, Mechatronik, Energie, Weltraumtechnologien und medizinische Geräte.

Viele unserer Juristen haben auch bei der Arbeit in akademischen Umgebungen, im Britischen Patentamt oder im Europäischen Patentamt und als hausinterne Juristen namhafter Unternehmen praktische Erfahrungen gesammelt.

Wichtige Kompetenzfelder:


  • Bioinformatik
  • Computerarchitektur
  • Computeranwendungen
  • Computer-Unterhaltung
  • Informationstechnologie
  • Internet- und Websysteme
  • Netzwerke
  • Router
  • Software
  • Tragbare und eingebettete Technologien


  • Analogelektronik
  • Audio- und Videoelektronik
  • Digitalelektronik
  • Displaytechnologien
  • Medizinische Elektronik
  • Medizinische Bildgebung
  • Mobilfunk-Kommunikation
  • Optische Elektronik
  • Fotografie
  • Robotik
  • Signal- und Bildverarbeitung
  • Switch-Technologie
  • Telekommunikation
  • Fernsehsysteme
  • Funktechnik


  • Akkutechnologie
  • Antriebssysteme
  • Energiedienstleistungen


  • Aerodynamik
  • Luftfahrttechnik
  • Fahrzeugtechnik
  • Steuerungstechnik
  • Haushaltsgeräte
  • Motorenbauteile
  • Heizungstechnik
  • Hydraulik
  • Meerestechnik
  • Medizinische Geräte
  • Kerntechnik
  • Druck
  • Pumpen
  • Schienentechnik
  • Kältetechnik


  • Astrophysik
  • Kristallographie
  • Geophysik
  • Instrumentation
  • Materialforschung
  • Nanotechnik
  • Kernphysik
  • Ozeanographie
  • Optische Physik und Laser
  • Halbleiterfertigung
  • Halbleiterphysik
  • Weltraumforschung
  • Spektroskopie
  • Thermodynamik
Highly regarded for its work on a wide range of patent matters. Its attorneys act across all types of technology, from life sciences to electrical engineering.
A deep knowledge and understanding of the science behind patented inventions.
The practitioners demonstrate a high level of scientific expertise and are quick to understand the key features of an invention.
IAM Patent 1000
They produce high-quality, reliable work product and have expertise in the computer-related technology space.
Legal 500
Its business acumen and industry knowledge of the patent attorney landscape is very impressive.
Legal 500
Talented patent attorneys with scientific backgrounds in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, electronics and engineering.
Its substantial roster of attorneys enables it to cover nearly every specialism and need, including litigation.
D Young & Co LLP has strong acumen in defending patents.
Venerable yet dynamic patent and trade mark firm with household-name clients in all major industrial sectors.
An impeccable track record in trade mark protection.
Legal 500
Its critical evaluation of patentability is faultless and its advice on patent strategy and prosecution shows a profound level of understanding of the technology involved.
IAM Patent 1000
The firm's expertise in electronics and software, biotechnology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals is particularly well regarded.

Unser Team


Anthony Albutt
Anthony Albutt
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Anthony Albutt's profile
Anton Baker
Anton Baker
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Anton Baker's profile
Robbie Berryman
Robbie Berryman
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Robbie Berryman's profile
Jana Bogatz
Jana Bogatz
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Jana Bogatz's profile
Alan Boyd
Alan Boyd
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Alan Boyd's profile
William Burrell
William Burrell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View William Burrell's profile
Richard Burton
Richard Burton
Partner, Trade Mark Attorney
View Richard Burton's profile
Andrew Cockerell
Andrew Cockerell
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Andrew Cockerell's profile
James Cornford
James Cornford
Partner, Patent Attorney
View James Cornford's profile
Jonathan DeVile
Jonathan DeVile
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jonathan DeVile's profile
Matthew Dick
Matthew Dick
Partner, Solicitor
View Matthew Dick's profile
Doug Ealey
Doug Ealey
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Doug Ealey's profile
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Hanns-Juergen Grosse's profile
Tamsin Holman
Tamsin Holman
Partner, Solicitor
View Tamsin Holman's profile
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Jonathan Jackson's profile
Jackie Johnson
Jackie Johnson
Partner, Trade Mark Attorney
View Jackie Johnson's profile
Darren Lewis
Darren Lewis
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Darren Lewis's profile
Nicholas Malden
Nicholas Malden
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Nicholas Malden's profile
Cathrine McGowan
Cathrine McGowan
Partner, Patent Attorney
View Cathrine McGowan's profile
David Meldrum
David Meldrum
Partner, Patent Attorney
View David Meldrum's profile
Anna Reid
Anna Reid
Partner, Solicitor
View Anna Reid's profile
Yvonne Stone
Yvonne Stone
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Yvonne Stone's profile

Senior Associates

David Al-Khalili
David Al-Khalili
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View David Al-Khalili's profile
Martin Bicker
Martin Bicker
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Martin Bicker's profile
Kate Cheney
Kate Cheney
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Kate Cheney's profile
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Robert Kelly's profile
Ryan Lacey
Ryan Lacey
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Ryan Lacey's profile
Olivia Oxton
Olivia Oxton
Senior Associate, Solicitor
View Olivia Oxton's profile
Arun Roy
Arun Roy
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Arun Roy's profile
Gemma Sparrow
Gemma Sparrow
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Gemma Sparrow's profile
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
View Alice Stuart-Grumbar's profile


Tara Fitz Gerald
Tara Fitz Gerald
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Tara Fitz Gerald's profile
Ben Hunter
Ben Hunter
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Ben Hunter's profile
Samuel Keyes
Samuel Keyes
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Samuel Keyes's profile
Nigel Lee
Nigel Lee
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Nigel Lee's profile
Rachel Pellatt
Rachel Pellatt
Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Rachel Pellatt's profile
Simon Schofield
Simon Schofield
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Simon Schofield's profile
Mathias Smolarski
Mathias Smolarski
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Mathias Smolarski's profile
Toby Willis
Toby Willis
Associate, Patent Attorney
View Toby Willis's profile

Attorneys, Rechtsanwälte & Solicitors

Keith Daly
Keith Daly
Patent Attorney
View Keith Daly's profile
Sean McCann
Sean McCann
Patent Attorney
View Sean McCann's profile
Szymon Pancewicz
Szymon Pancewicz
Patent Attorney
View Szymon Pancewicz's profile
William Smith
William Smith
Patent Attorney
View William Smith's profile
Harry Ventress
Harry Ventress
Patent Attorney
View Harry Ventress's profile


John Cameron
John Cameron
Technical Assistant
View John Cameron's profile
Henry Davies
Henry Davies
Technical Assistant
View Henry Davies's profile
Eleanor Downing
Eleanor Downing
Technical Assistant
View Eleanor Downing's profile
Sophia Karim
Sophia Karim
Legal Assistant
View Sophia Karim's profile
Jake Leggat
Jake Leggat
Technical Assistant
View Jake Leggat's profile
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds
Technical Assistant
View Michael Reynolds's profile
Miranda Simmons
Miranda Simmons
Technical Assistant
View Miranda Simmons's profile


David Horner
David Horner
Consultant, Patent Attorney
View David Horner's profile
James Turner
James Turner
Consultant, Patent Attorney
View James Turner's profile
Richard Willoughby
Richard Willoughby
Consultant, Solicitor
View Richard Willoughby's profile

IP Support

Mel Gregg
Mel Gregg
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Mel Gregg's profile
Stefanie Koroll
Stefanie Koroll
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Stefanie Koroll's profile
Anna Scheuermann
Anna Scheuermann
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Anna Scheuermann's profile