Leon Ford

With a strong foundation in physics, I joined the patent team at D Young & Co in June 2024. Since then I have enjoyed helping a variety of clients and gaining experience in the prosecution of many UK, European and foreign patent applications over a range of different technologies in the fields of engineering and electronics.
I completed a master’s degree in physics at the University of Nottingham, specialising in theoretical physics. I carried out theoretical and computational projects in a variety of topics, including nanophysics, quantum field theory and duality.
After graduating in physics, I pursued postgraduate research in computational materials science at Loughborough University. Here, I developed computer-simulated models to investigate the structural, ionic and electronic properties of candidate materials for hydrogen fuel cells. My work was published in a scientific journal.
- MSci in Physics with Theoretical Physics, University of Nottingham 2016.
- Student member of the European Patent Institute (epi)
- LJ Ford, PR Slater, JK Christie, P Goddard, "Carbon dioxide and water incorporation mechanisms in SrFeO3− δ phases: a computational study", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 22, No. 43 (2020), 25146-25155.