IP Cases & Articles

Emerging Markets Panel Discussion

D Young & Co's Garreth Duncan joined a group of eight IP specialists on an expert panel to discuss emerging marketings.

Questions included:

  • How and why are life sciences companies turning their attentions to emerging markets?
  • How are life sciences companies adapting their IP strategies when entering emerging markets, where laws tend to be different than those in the likes of the US and Europe?
  • What are the potential IP challenges for companies entering emerging companies?
  • What effect are patent expirations having on companies' decisions to look at emerging markets?
  • The US is worried that the 'Indian IP model' will be copied by other countries - what is your view on this?

Read Garreth's comments and the full panel discussion on the IP Pro Life Sciences website: http://ipprolifesciences.com/ipprolifesciences/IPPro%20Life%20Sciences_issue_15.pdf