IP Cases & Articles

WIPO: implications for Hague System users in case of a "no deal" Brexit

D Young & Co trade mark partner Jana Bogatz provides an update in the April edition of INTA Bulletin concerning the implications of a "no deal" Brexit to existing international design registrations that designate the European Union.

INTA bulletin April 2019

Link to read "WIPO: implications for Hague System users in case of a "no deal" Brexit" in the INTA bulletin.

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UK registered design post Brexit numbering system

To help businesses prepare for Brexit, the UK Government has confirmed through proposed legislation that it will ensure that an equivalent UK registered design will be automatically generated for any existing granted EU registered design that is published, and any international Hague registered design designating the EU which is published and deemed accepted by the EUIPO, on the day when the UK leaves the EU. The creation of this equivalent re-registered design in the UK will be at minimal administrative burden, and without cost to the registered owner.

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Webinar: IP after Brexit UK & EU trade mark and design practice
Webinar: IP after Brexit UK & EU trade mark and design practice