Austria completes ratification for the Protocol to the UPCA, enabling start of UPC provisional application period
On 18 January 2022, Austria deposited the instrument of ratification for the Protocol to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPC) on provisional application, allowing the provisional application period (PAP) to start.
We await an announcement from the UPC Preparatory Committee and will provide a further update on our website ( regarding the formal commencement of the PAP and its implications. The PAP period is expected to run for six to ten months, meaning the UPC system could commence in Q3 to Q4 2022.
This is a significant and decisive step on the way to the establishment of the UPC since the work regained momentum after several years of stalling.
UP & UPC guides
We have an area on our website dedicated to the UP and the UPC which includes our detailed guides to the UP & UPC - If you have any queries regarding these, please do contact your usual D Young & Co representative or email us at