UPC Court of Appeal corrects course for provisional measures in Abbott v SiBio

23 August 2024
A recent wave of lawsuits relating to MedTech devices has led to some interesting insights concerning the Unified Patent Court’s…
Stephen Solomon
Stephen Solomon
Technical Assistant
UPC Court of Appeal corrects course for provisional measures in Abbott v SiBio

UPC departs from EPO selection principle in novelty analysis: Dexcom v Abbott

08 August 2024
According to established European Patent Office (EPO) practice, a selection of one or more elements from a single list of…
Nathaniel Wand
Nathaniel Wand
Associate, Patent Attorney
UPC departs from EPO selection principle in novelty analysis: Dexcom v Abbott

ESA’s innovative “space bricks”: paving the way for lunar construction

05 August 2024
The European Space Agency (ESA) has embarked on an innovative project to develop 3D-printed “space bricks” from lunar regolith, which…
Anton Baker
Anton Baker
Partner, Patent Attorney
ESA’s innovative “space bricks”: paving the way for lunar construction

Interpreting patent claims: G 1/24 seeks Enlarged Board of Appeal clarification

05 August 2024
G 1/24 seeks clarification of the legal basis for interpreting patent claims for the purpose of assessing patentability, particularly whether…
Emma Hamilton
Emma Hamilton
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
Interpreting patent claims: G 1/24 seeks Enlarged Board of Appeal clarification

Lack of inventive step from a “realistic” starting point: Sanofi v Amgen

05 August 2024
The Unified Patent Court (UPC) has issued three substantive decisions in recent weeks which have kept European patent litigators with…
Rachel Bateman
Rachel Bateman
Partner, Patent Attorney
Lack of inventive step from a “realistic” starting point: Sanofi v Amgen

German Federal Court of Justice: an inventor must be a natural person (DABUS)

31 July 2024
The Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Court of Justice, BGH) decided in its decision X ZB 5/22 of 11 June 2024 (DABUS)…
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Hanns-Juergen Grosse
Partner, Patent Attorney
Mathias Smolarski
Mathias Smolarski
Associate, Patent Attorney
German Federal Court of Justice: an inventor must be a natural person (DABUS)

Net Zero Week 2024 IP Update

17 July 2024
Net Zero Week 2024, the UK’s official national awareness week, ran from 06 to 12 July. Backed by the UK…
Net Zero Week 2024 IP Update

UPC preliminary injunction update: 10x Genomics v Curio Bioscience

16 July 2024
An order from the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Düsseldorf Local Division was published on 30 April 2024, granting 10x Genomics…
Daisy Bethell
Daisy Bethell
Technical Assistant
UPC preliminary injunction update: 10x Genomics v Curio Bioscience

Lighting the way: a brief review of developments in solar technology

11 July 2024
Net Zero Week provides an opportunity for leaders and innovators to come together and discuss the path towards net zero.
Simon Schofield
Simon Schofield
Associate, Patent Attorney
Lighting the way: a brief review of developments in solar technology

First permanent injunction at the UPC: Franz Kaldewei v Bette

11 July 2024
The Local Division of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Düsseldorf has ordered the first permanent injunction at the UPC…
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
First permanent injunction at the UPC: Franz Kaldewei v Bette

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