New appointments and exam success!
We are delighted to announce a number of new appointments across the firm as well as some excellent recent exam results.

New partners Anna Reid and Richard Burton
We are pleased to announce that Anna Reid (solicitor) and Richard Burton (trade mark attorney) have been appointed partners from 01 April 2018. Anna is experienced in handling a broad range of IP matters across diverse sectors, providing clients with strategic advice, including trade marks, passing off, copyright and designs. A member of our trade mark team, Richard is a Chartered and European trade mark attorney and European design attorney working with clients in various sectors including retail and luxury goods.
Electronics, engineering & IT team
Within our patent electronics, engineering and IT team Alan Boyd and Charlotte Musgrave have been appointed Senior Associate Patent Attorneys and Anton Baker has been appointed Associate Patent Attorney.
Biotechnology, chemistry & pharmaceuticals
Tom Pagdin and Antony Latham are now Associate Patent Attorneys in the firm’s biotechnology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals team. Emma Hamilton is now a Patent Attorney having qualified as a European patent attorney in 2017 and having become fully UK qualified in March 2018.
Trade marks
Our trade mark team sees Wendy Oliver-Grey appointed as Associate, Trade Mark Attorney.
Examination success
We are also extremely pleased to celebrate some fantastic recent exam results. Congratulations to Technical Assistant Andrew Cockerell of our electronics, engineering & IT team who is now UK qualified and to Technical Assistants Toby Willis, David Hole, Thomas Ricketts, William Powell, Matthew Gallon, Ben Hunter and Simon Schofield who have achieved the Certificate in IP Law from Queen Mary University of London. Well done to Simon as the joint highest qualifying candidate. Rosanna White, Jay Unsworth, Bea Walsh and Sophie Nutley have also recently successfully obtained CIPA’s Introductory Certificate in Patent Administration.
Well done and congratulations all round to our colleagues!