Top tier for Chambers UK 2022: “a firm with talent and easy to apply solutions for difficult matters”
The Chambers & Partners UK guide has again ranked D Young & Co as a top tier UK patent and trade mark firm in its 2022 edition.
We are grateful to our colleagues and clients for their positive feedback to the Chambers’ research team, as quoted in their review of D Young & Co.
Chambers UK writes:
Talented patent attorneys with scientific backgrounds in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, electronics and engineering. Well known for representing generic pharmaceutical companies as well as innovators. Leading trade mark prosecution service. Has reserves of expertise in the law of designs. Recommended for contentious proceedings, and also has patent litigation solicitors in-house. Has an office in Munich.
Clients and sources participating in the research process say:
The patents team continue to deliver excellent service. They are diligent and are good communicators.
A client describes this as "a firm with talent to find great and easy to apply solutions for difficult matters." In addition, the team's "efficiency, promptitude and easy understanding of the issues are their main strengths."

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