Jana Bogatz

I like advising clients in various industries on intellectual property protection and enforcement strategies. This allows me to accompany my clients’ full product life cycle and to work with clients and colleagues from all over the world.
Before joining D Young & Co in 2018, I worked in the IP department of an international general law firm and a German IP boutique law firm. I also worked as an examiner at the European Trade Mark and Designs Office (EUIPO) in Alicante and gained experience of working as an in-house lawyer for an international retail company in Düsseldorf and a leading company from the luxury goods industry in Geneva.
I advise my clients in all contentious and non-contentious aspects of national and international trade mark, design, copyright and unfair competition law. My focus is in particular on the development of global trade mark and design filing strategies, the optimisation of trade mark and design portfolios, the enforcement of trade marks, designs and domains against infringements and dilution by third parties through court actions, as well as negotiation and conclusion of IP related agreements.
I represent my clients in proceedings before the DPMA (German Patent and Trade Mark Office), the Federal German Patent Court, all German civil courts, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the European Courts in Luxemburg (GC and CJEU).
I am involved in various projects for INTA, Marques and GRUR and have also been selected as an auditor within the EUIPO’s quality management system.
My mother tongue is German and I am fluent in English, Italian and Spanish.
- Recommended individual (silver) for Germany, WTR 1000 2025.
- Recognised as "recommended" by Who's Who Legal (WWL) IP 2024.
- WIPR Leader 2024.
- IPSTAR (Germany) 2023.
- Erste Juristische Staatsprüfung 2003.
- Zweite Juristische Staatsprüfung (Bar exam equivalent) 2006.
- Admission to the Dusseldorf Bar as Rechtsanwältin 2007.
- Master of Laws (LLM Eur), University of Leipzig/Rome 2010.
- Admission as Certified IP Practitioner [Fachanwältin für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz] at the Munich Bar 2014.
- Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA).
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR). Designs Committee.
- German Italian Lawyers Association.
- INTA Trademark Office Practices Committee – EUIPO subcommittee.
- MARQUES Association - European Trade Mark Law and Practice Team.
- Munich Bar Association.
- Kur / v. Bomhard / Albrecht COMMENTARY ON GERMAN AND EU TRADEMARK LAW, 1rst ed. 2016, 2nd ed. 2018, 3rds ed. 2020 (author of comments on Sec. 25, 26 German Trademark Act).
- BeckOK COMMENTARY ON GERMAN AND EU DESIGN LAW, since 2018 (author of comment on numerous Articles of the EU Community Design Regulation)
- Konvergenzprogram des EUIPO bei grafischen Wiedergaben von Geschmacksmustern (EUIPO Convergence Program on Graphic Representations of Designs) in GRUR-Prax 2016, 341.
- Sparkassen-Rot, Nivea-Blau, Langenscheid-Gelb: Quo vadis konturlose Farbmarke? (Sparkasse red, Nivea blue, Langenscheid yellow: Quo vadis contourless color mark) in: GRUR-Prax 2013, 481.
- Wie ist „IP TRANSLATOR“ zu übersetzen? (How “IP TRANSLATOR” has to be translated?), in: GRUR-Prax 2012, 338 (co-author with Dr. Martin Viefhues).
- Kontroverse um rechtserhaltende Benutzung – Neue Markenstrategien erforderlich? (Contoversy regarding genuine use – Is a new trade mark strategy required?) in: GRUR-Prax 2010, 427.
- Various further articles on trade mark and design law.