Keith Daly

I joined D Young & Co in 2018 having spent a number of years working In academic research and education. As a multidisciplinary scientist with a strong background in electronics, mathematics, and fluid dynamics, I enjoy applying my expertise across a wide range of different technologies.
Since joining D Young & Co, I have gained experience in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications for a wide range of clients working in different technologies.
Prior to joining D Young & Co, I completed my undergraduate degree in electronic engineering at the University of Southampton in 2007 and my PhD in applied mathematics in 2010, also at the University of Southampton. My PhD subject was the development of efficient mathematical equations to describe the reorientation of liquid crystals in electromagnetic fields, and the subsequent interaction of optical fields with the liquid crystals. After my PhD I continued to work in this field as a post doctoral researcher before moving to work on the fluid mechanics in porous media in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Southampton.
- PhD Applied Mathematics, University of Southampton, 2010.
- MEng Electronic Engineering, University of Southampton, 2007.
- Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary, University of London, 2020.
- European Patent Attorney, 2023.
- Chartered Patent Attorney, 2023.
- Registered representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC), 2024.
- Student member of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA).
- Student member of the European Patent Institute (epi).
- K.R. Daly, S.D. Keyes, T. Roose, Determination of macro-scale soil properties from pore scale structures: image-based modelling of poroelastic structures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474, 2215, 20170745, (2018).
- K.R. Daly, T. Roose, Determination of macro-scale soil properties from pore-scale structures: model derivation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474, 2209, 20170141, (2018).
- K.R. Daly, S.R. Tracy, N.M.J. Crout, S. Mairhofer, T.P. Pridmore, S.J. Mooney, T. Roose, Quantification of root water uptake in soil using X‐ray computed tomography and image‐based modelling, Plant, cell & environment 41 (1), 121-133 (2018).
- KR Daly, LJ Cooper, N Koebernick, J Evaristo, SD Keyes, A Van Veelen, T. Roose, Modelling water dynamics in the rhizosphere, Rhizosphere 4, 139-151 (2018).
- K.R. Daly, S.R. Tracy, N.M.J. Crout, S. Mairhofer, T.P. Pridmore, S.J. Mooney, T. Roose, Quantification of root water uptake in soil using X-ray Computed Tomography and image based modelling. Plant, Cell & Environment (2017).